
Types of Stone – Limestone

Limestone is used for creating glass, decorative trim, or veneer. At Sydney Stone Polishing, we know how to care for limestone and items made from limestone. This stone has interesting origins, making its composition one of the most unique. Limestone is literally built on the history of the earth.

Let’s Get Sedimental

Limestone is a sedimentary rock made of fossils, debris from fossils, and shell fragments. It forms on the floor of the sea, although it can be found on land, also. Some limestone is very fine and made of sea organisms such as coral. Though limestone originates in a few different ways, it shares some main properties.

Properties of Limestone

Despite its name, limestone is actually gray. It can also be brown, yellow, or white, however. Limestone is made mostly of calcium carbonate. It is very soft and easily scratched.Despite its fragility, limestone has many uses.

Uses of Limestone

Limestone is used in many different processes. Some of these items may come as a surprise, including:

  • Blast furnaces
  • Glass manufacturing
  • Soil conditioning
  • Calcium supplements in animal food
  • Veneer, trim, and walls
  • To compose cement and mortar
  • Pigment for paper, tiles, toothpaste, and other items

Limestone’s soft nature makes it perfect for these applications. Limestone can also be made into gravel or “marble blocks” for other uses.

Limestone is a Team Player

On its own, limestone is a relatively soft rock that wears easily. However, once it is crushed up as gravel or added to other substances, limestone has a variety of uses. From pharmaceuticals to decorative materials, limestone can be found in many daily uses.

At Sydney Stone Polishing, we know our limestone. The different varieties of limestone require expert care, and we can help you keep your limestone surfaces maintained and clean without extra wear.